What an amazing adventure you have had. I've loved following you around; thank you for taking the trouble to share your trip with is in such a colourful way. XX
Diane Bird(non-registered)
Have fun!
Kristen Runke(non-registered)
I am loving your wonderful photos! Please keep them coming with your exciting upcoming trip!!!!
bill wardle(non-registered)
Hi David, I tried to find the pictures you took of me in my admiral1s costume at the Dickens festival but couldn't. Has it been taken off the website already?
Harold Pitts(non-registered)
As I can no longer travel very well, having access to great photos like you present offers me a little look at the rest of the world. Thank you!
Dick C(non-registered)
Thanks for those excellent pix guys - I feel as if I've been there! I found the moon rocks especially interesting.