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This website collects our photos since 2012. Hover your mouse over "Photos" above and make your selection. By all means leave comments on the individual photos or a message in the Guestbook. To see our photos from 2005 to 2011 click here. To go back even earlier, click here.

Our 2013 photos cover a visit to the Inn at Little Washington, our Texas roadtrip and a visit to Hampton Court Palace in the UK. The main (photographic) event of 2014 was our Round-the-World trip. We wrote occasional entries in a blog as we circled the world; we've left the blog online in case you want to relive the experience with us.

It seems we didn't take many photos during 2015-16. That changed in 2017 on our "O Canada" road trip with long-time fellow trippers, Marion and David. We didn't use our Nikon DSLR at all on that trip; nearly all the shots were taken on an iPhone 6. 2018 is also strangely missing but 2019 features another road trip: The Salmon Run.

The coronavirus put paid to most of our plans for 2020, although we did complete a two-week tour of New Zealand, which included a mini-trip with our Australian cousins to the wine country of Victoria. Click here to view the albums. By now we'd sold our Nikon camera kit, so all photos were taken on an iPhone X or 11.